Monday, 17 February 2014

Balancing Life | Motivational Mondays

Welcome followers! Another motivational mondays, Woohh! One thing I have recently had a reality check about is how to balance your life. Through my eyes, one issue that stands out is organising myself. I struggle to do simple tasks just because I don't have time or I spent to long on my laptop. So I did a tad bit of brain storming and came up with some simple solutions for this. Here we go!

Plan Ahead

Made by me

First, I just want to apologise because of the rubbish quality of the photo above. Rant over, lets get started. With my unorganised self, I struggle to find time to do plenty of small or big things so I decided to make a list of tasks I need to complete. I stick my list on the wall so every time i pass that place in the house, I will be reminded. Personally, I find it amazing how such a simple piece of paper can help me become more organised. However, I still get nagged by my mum sometimes.


Next, is just relaxing. Having 1 or 2 days (depending on you) a week where you just sit back and don't touch a key on a laptop to type an essay or pick up a pen to answer a homework question. However this is where the 'plan ahead' part comes in. There is no point relaxing on a day where you know you have an exam or 5 essays due in. So plan ahead and write those essays the day before so there is nothing to worry about.

Set Goals

Finally on my list of solutions is setting goals and assertional targets for yourself. For example (in my case), I will tell to myself, 'I will tidy my bedroom today or I will finish this exam question for tomorrow. One key thing to not however, is these goals have to be realistic. there is no point in setting  targets you cannot achieve.

Well I hope these little tips will help you keep yourself more organised and live a more balanced life. A bit of a spoiler but next post on Wednesday will be my thoughts on a well known app.

Next post coming soon,

Remember to share on social networking sites for your friends to enjoy!

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