Friday, 24 January 2014

Everyday Make-Up

Welcome followers! Now school has started and time is running short and a quick and simple make-up routine is vital. Of course your taste in make-up is probably different as at our school is strict when it comes to make-up (this is stating it in a lenient way). The make-up i will show you today is simple but effective. Hope you enjoy! Here we go!

First apply your foundation. BB cream is basically a foundation but is healthy for your skin. So someone like me benefits form this with bad skin. It blends with you skin amazingly and has great coverage but certainly isn't too thick!

As you can probably see, next is concealer. Dab a small amount on any blemishes or spots. I use 'Rimmel Match Perfection' which covers spots easily and blends to your skin before and after a sunny holiday!

Of course, mascara and eyeliner is next. You can do it in either order but it doesn't really matter. I tend to do mascara then eyeliner. My mascara is from 'Rimmel London'. I wrote a review on it so check it out Here. My eyeliner is from 'Barry M' and is liquid in the colour black.

Once that is sorted, you can apply lip gloss or lip stick depending on you. My lipstick is from 'Rimmel London' (again) in the Kate Moss range in the shade 101 - Rossetto. It is a light pink which isn't too obvious. However what I usually do is quickly put some lip gloss or vaseline on for a bit of a shine.

The last stage os my everyday make-up is powder. I always use this to set my make-up (especially for PE) for a lasting effect. This powder comes in many skin shades so will suit everyone.

If you are still reading then I am incredibly impressed as this was quite a long post.

Next post coming soon,

Remember to share on social networking sites for your friends to enjoy!

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