Wednesday, 26 February 2014

25 Facts About Me

Welcome Followers! As you have probably seen form the title, this blog post is focused on me. You may or may not care. Here we go!

  1. My full name is Kathryn.
  2. I have on brother called tom.
  3. I live in the UK in the middle of no where.
  4. My favourite colour is turquoise.
  5. My favourite number is 10 for no actual reason.
  6. My family and I own 1 dog and 2 cats.
  7. I am 5 feet 4 inches to be precise.
  8. I love shopping.
  9. I have size 4 feet which is terrible to buy shoes with.
  10. I hate Annoying teachers.
  11. I listen to my favourite song so often I end up hating that particular song.
  12. I have a problem keeping my room tidy.
  13. I love to sun which is a bit of a bummer living in the UK.
  14. I watch far too much TV and YouTube videos.
  15. Me and a friend once sat outside my house trying to sell rubbish to passing cars so we could buy sweets.
  16. I am a One Direction fan.
  17. I cried at Marley and Me but laughed at Titanic with my friend.
  18. I have braces.
  19. When I am older, I want to be a nurse.
  20. I love chocolate so much.
  21. I hate mushrooms and cheese.
  22. I have a fear of snakes.
  23. I have a problem with burning my tongue when drinking hot chocolate.
  24. I am 1 quarter welsh.
  25. I take Christmas to a new level when it comes to decoration and the whole celebration.
Next post coming soon,

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Monday, 24 February 2014

Enjoy Today | Motivational Mondays

Welcome followers! After a long and rather pleasant half term in the middle of February, I have just spent 6 hours of my life at school, enduring the nagging voice of some extremely annoying teachers. Of course the fact I was forced to get up 4 hours earlier than the norm this morning was not fun at all. I am surprised I managed to get out of my cosy bed at 7am on a Monday morning. All I can really say is 'WOW'. Getting a bit off track so all I wanted to say was I hope this blog post will brighten up your day. Oh and lets say it is rather fitting to what I just ranted about! Here we go!

This motivational monday's topic is enjoy today. If you don't understand, I basically mean don't bother worrying about the future and the scary things it may or may not hold but just enjoy the feeling you get from the present. People may interpret this in a slightly different way but overall the thought is mutual. Ask yourself a question, now on the spot without any thinking. What do you get out of worrying about what might happen? 

So, there may be some sort of answer but I believe that you should live by the present and forget about the future. I will give you an example:

You reading this, has the most important exam ever and a lot is depending on it. Instead of worrying what if I fail, think of all the thing you have learnt to get this far.

There are other situations that this can happen in like running a race or an interview for a really good job. Just remember; don't think of the consequences, think of the things you have learnt.

Next post coming soon,

Remember to share on social networking sites for your friends to enjoy!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Flappy Bird Addiction

Welcome followers! Ok, so this post is a little bit different to the normal around her but honestly I thought it was a tad too tempting not to, seeing the recent global attraction to ... FLAPPY BIRD! This app has had a lot of unwanted attention which has led to the deleting of the app on apple and android devices app stores by the creator. It is amazing how such  simple game can have such a massive affect on people. There are so many rumours passing around about people committing suicide because of there overwhelming addiction to flappy bird and you don't know what is or isn't true. However today I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the game itself. Here we go!

My Views

I have to admit I do own this app and I do enjoy playing it ever so often. But I still don't understand the extent people go the own this app or just simply to play it. Apparently there are mobiles on eBay selling for huge amounts of money. Strange!

It is kind of fascinating how a colour changing duck attempting to pass through some green pipes is so addictive. It just doesn't make sense.

Now there are similar apps like iron pants and splashy fish which are exactly the same. Amazingly (sarcasm), they are in the top hits lists of app stores. What a surprise!

Lots of you tubers have recently uploaded videos of them getting frustrated whilst playing. It is quite funny honestly! Have a look below!

Double click to go full screen!

Don't want this post to get too boring so I will wrap it up here. Leave a comment below on your experiences!

Next post coming soon,

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Monday, 17 February 2014

Balancing Life | Motivational Mondays

Welcome followers! Another motivational mondays, Woohh! One thing I have recently had a reality check about is how to balance your life. Through my eyes, one issue that stands out is organising myself. I struggle to do simple tasks just because I don't have time or I spent to long on my laptop. So I did a tad bit of brain storming and came up with some simple solutions for this. Here we go!

Plan Ahead

Made by me

First, I just want to apologise because of the rubbish quality of the photo above. Rant over, lets get started. With my unorganised self, I struggle to find time to do plenty of small or big things so I decided to make a list of tasks I need to complete. I stick my list on the wall so every time i pass that place in the house, I will be reminded. Personally, I find it amazing how such a simple piece of paper can help me become more organised. However, I still get nagged by my mum sometimes.


Next, is just relaxing. Having 1 or 2 days (depending on you) a week where you just sit back and don't touch a key on a laptop to type an essay or pick up a pen to answer a homework question. However this is where the 'plan ahead' part comes in. There is no point relaxing on a day where you know you have an exam or 5 essays due in. So plan ahead and write those essays the day before so there is nothing to worry about.

Set Goals

Finally on my list of solutions is setting goals and assertional targets for yourself. For example (in my case), I will tell to myself, 'I will tidy my bedroom today or I will finish this exam question for tomorrow. One key thing to not however, is these goals have to be realistic. there is no point in setting  targets you cannot achieve.

Well I hope these little tips will help you keep yourself more organised and live a more balanced life. A bit of a spoiler but next post on Wednesday will be my thoughts on a well known app.

Next post coming soon,

Remember to share on social networking sites for your friends to enjoy!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

How To Cope With Exams?

First of all sorry I didn’t post a motivational mondays this week. I had quite a few essays due in so this topic is quite handy.

Made by me

Exams are a stressful time for many. It could be your first you have ever experience or your last. What ever the circumstance may be, one certain fact is it is most definitely not a jolly time. However taunting it may seem, there are a variety of techniques and ways to stop or calm your nerves and unpleasantness. Here we go.

One fact I have learnt about exams and tests is that revision really does count. How ever much your teach may nag you about the importance of revision, I sadly have to admit that for once she/he is correct. I have learnt this up front and the consequences are not a good thing. So, for your own good, please revise!

There are many types of revision techniques. Some people don’t revise at all, others revise occasionally and others go full speed ahead 24 hours a day. When an exam is in your sites always have a good ratio of revision and relaxing. Every 45 minutes of revision have 45 minutes of relaxing.

Learning Type
It is vital to know your learning type so you can revise in a sufficient way. There are 3 types: Listening, Speaking and Writing.

There we go; just a few tips of how to help you guys revise for the dreading exams.

Next post coming soon,

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Friday, 7 February 2014

Travel Experiences | Canada 2013

Welcome followers! I only just started my blog at the beginning of this year (2014), so I never gained the opportunity to share my amazing times I had with the family in Canada. Before the holiday commenced, I honestly was dreading it (not sure why now I have been). Anyway, from what I had been told, it didn't sound like it had the wow factor a holiday should usually provide. So today I will explain how wrong I was. Here we go!

First of all during our holiday, we went on a small cruise for a week down from the mountains of Alaska, USA to the sunny city of Vancouver, Canada. Just to confirm Alaska isn't all ice and snow, it just isn't like the typical American city of sun shine and beaches. It was an amazing sea journey and we managed to visit small towns in the middle of no where taking part in a variety of activities. It was so fun! Even though me and the family were completely isolated in the middle of the ocean we had the choice to do anything of the snippy thing. 

As we ventured our way towards dry land, of course we did bits and pieces like shopping and eating. But the actual main reason for going on holiday to Canada was to witness my cousin getting married! The wedding took place on a beautiful resort, where I met a whole load of strangers I was meant to know but honestly didn't have a clue who they were. I just stood there nodding my head and laughing at any jokes made like I understood them (just to confirm I didn't get the comedy involved in that nights experience). I have to say, that was an amazing time and I am so glad I went.

This is just a small amount of the amazing experiences I had during the Canada holiday last year. Let me know about any of your fantastic times on your holidays.

Next post coming soon,

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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Shopping Haul | Top Buys

Welcome followers! Last weekend, me and my friend Chloe went shopping in MK (Milton Keynes). That evening after a long day shopping, we decided to share our best purchases with you. The photo editing took ages but it was definitely worth it! Hope you enjoy. Her we go!

Leg Warmers

These are a very nice pair of grey leg warmers that I purchased from New look. They were £4.99 which I think is a reasonable price as they are a good thick wool, incredibly warm and comfy.

Heart Diary

Another of my 'top buys', would have to be this diary. It has a colourful heart pattern on the cover and also dedicates a whole page to each day. It is the perfect size to fit in a handbag and ready for travelling but also no to small to not understand the wording. This was £8.99, which I think is a fair price considering the exceptional quality.

Bird Patterned Pencil Case & Purple Floral Pencil Case

Next is a beautiful pencil case I bought from 'Paperchase'. It is the perfect size for me at school and the cute look is presents is amazing. It cost around £5.50 which I personally think is a good price seeing the good quality and style.

Chloe also bought a pencil case but this one was from WHSmiths. It is a little small than than the bird on but still has a comfortable amount of room to fit the necessary stationary in. 

Floral and Bird Bottle

Another top purchase form paper chase is a new water bottle. I am not sure if the bottle and pencil case were part of the same style but they are both pretty similar. The fact the bottle is mad rout metal shows it will hopefully last for a long time. It cost £6.00 which is either an amazing price or a disappointing price depending how well it lasts for.

Rimmel London Mascara

Finally, Chloe bought a new mascara from boots after hers ran out. She bought the mascara that I wrote a popular review on. Check it out Here! She was really pleased and she recommends it to anyone!

Next post coming soon,

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Monday, 3 February 2014

Confidence | Motivational Monday

Just to start, this is my first post in February, Wooooh. But if you want to see my last cost on January favourites click ‘Here’!

Welcome followers! Being a teenager, I have experienced and witnessed low levels over confidence which honestly isn’t very nice. One thing I have learnt is that it is not all about how people look, which is what most people assume, but can vary form person to person. I worry about what people think of me. Honestly I don’t think there is a way to ‘cure’ low self-confidence, but there is definitely a ay to improve your confidence. Here are a few tips on how I make myself feel a bit better.

Talk to someone

First of all, I find talking to your parents, friends or anyone you trust helps forget any worries on your mind. I usually talk about funny stories that have happened in the pat with my friends but you do what you suits yourself. 

Spoil yourself

To get my mind off the subject of confidence issues, I usually treat myself to something luxurious such as a pamper. But the main reason is it takes time from your hands so you don’t have time to think and worry about it.


Lastly, if none of the above work, just explain you thoughts and emotions to someone you think would understand. 

Hope this blog has been affective.

Next post coming soon,

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