Wednesday, 26 February 2014

25 Facts About Me

Welcome Followers! As you have probably seen form the title, this blog post is focused on me. You may or may not care. Here we go!

  1. My full name is Kathryn.
  2. I have on brother called tom.
  3. I live in the UK in the middle of no where.
  4. My favourite colour is turquoise.
  5. My favourite number is 10 for no actual reason.
  6. My family and I own 1 dog and 2 cats.
  7. I am 5 feet 4 inches to be precise.
  8. I love shopping.
  9. I have size 4 feet which is terrible to buy shoes with.
  10. I hate Annoying teachers.
  11. I listen to my favourite song so often I end up hating that particular song.
  12. I have a problem keeping my room tidy.
  13. I love to sun which is a bit of a bummer living in the UK.
  14. I watch far too much TV and YouTube videos.
  15. Me and a friend once sat outside my house trying to sell rubbish to passing cars so we could buy sweets.
  16. I am a One Direction fan.
  17. I cried at Marley and Me but laughed at Titanic with my friend.
  18. I have braces.
  19. When I am older, I want to be a nurse.
  20. I love chocolate so much.
  21. I hate mushrooms and cheese.
  22. I have a fear of snakes.
  23. I have a problem with burning my tongue when drinking hot chocolate.
  24. I am 1 quarter welsh.
  25. I take Christmas to a new level when it comes to decoration and the whole celebration.
Next post coming soon,

Remember to share on social networking sites for your friends to enjoy!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Enjoy Today | Motivational Mondays

Welcome followers! After a long and rather pleasant half term in the middle of February, I have just spent 6 hours of my life at school, enduring the nagging voice of some extremely annoying teachers. Of course the fact I was forced to get up 4 hours earlier than the norm this morning was not fun at all. I am surprised I managed to get out of my cosy bed at 7am on a Monday morning. All I can really say is 'WOW'. Getting a bit off track so all I wanted to say was I hope this blog post will brighten up your day. Oh and lets say it is rather fitting to what I just ranted about! Here we go!

This motivational monday's topic is enjoy today. If you don't understand, I basically mean don't bother worrying about the future and the scary things it may or may not hold but just enjoy the feeling you get from the present. People may interpret this in a slightly different way but overall the thought is mutual. Ask yourself a question, now on the spot without any thinking. What do you get out of worrying about what might happen? 

So, there may be some sort of answer but I believe that you should live by the present and forget about the future. I will give you an example:

You reading this, has the most important exam ever and a lot is depending on it. Instead of worrying what if I fail, think of all the thing you have learnt to get this far.

There are other situations that this can happen in like running a race or an interview for a really good job. Just remember; don't think of the consequences, think of the things you have learnt.

Next post coming soon,

Remember to share on social networking sites for your friends to enjoy!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Flappy Bird Addiction

Welcome followers! Ok, so this post is a little bit different to the normal around her but honestly I thought it was a tad too tempting not to, seeing the recent global attraction to ... FLAPPY BIRD! This app has had a lot of unwanted attention which has led to the deleting of the app on apple and android devices app stores by the creator. It is amazing how such  simple game can have such a massive affect on people. There are so many rumours passing around about people committing suicide because of there overwhelming addiction to flappy bird and you don't know what is or isn't true. However today I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the game itself. Here we go!

My Views

I have to admit I do own this app and I do enjoy playing it ever so often. But I still don't understand the extent people go the own this app or just simply to play it. Apparently there are mobiles on eBay selling for huge amounts of money. Strange!

It is kind of fascinating how a colour changing duck attempting to pass through some green pipes is so addictive. It just doesn't make sense.

Now there are similar apps like iron pants and splashy fish which are exactly the same. Amazingly (sarcasm), they are in the top hits lists of app stores. What a surprise!

Lots of you tubers have recently uploaded videos of them getting frustrated whilst playing. It is quite funny honestly! Have a look below!

Double click to go full screen!

Don't want this post to get too boring so I will wrap it up here. Leave a comment below on your experiences!

Next post coming soon,

Remember to share on social networking sites for your friends to enjoy!